Bryan Stevenson, author of the the Penn State Abington Common Read book "Just Mercy," spoke to students about human rights and criminal justice reform.
Students and faculty from Penn State Abington studied in Ireland over spring break, exploring the creation of art through the nation's culture, history, and physical landscape. Another group took a deep dive into language, literature and culture in Spain while others studied business ethics in Malta. Students selected for Alternative Spring Break traveled to a Native American reservation in South Dakota and Washington, D.C., to work with those in need.
Ethan Munoz uses Nintento Labo for the first time at THON 2019. Teaching and Learning Technology and the THON Engagement and Empowerment Network (TEENetwork) helped kids experience emerging education technology during THON weekend.
Penn State Abington student athletes welcomed new friends from the Bucks County Special Olympics to campus last weekend. They worked together on a variety of sports activities and then stayed to watch the Abington basketball teams play.